Miyerkules, Oktubre 24, 2012

cybercrime law

STOP CYBER MARTIAL LAW !!! The Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 or Republic Act No. 10175 threatens our basic rights and freedoms. This law works against ordinary netizens -- bloggers, freelance writers, website owners, social network users. etc. -- and disregards, among other things, our right to privacy and freedom of expression. To safeguard these rights and freedoms, we, the members of the Philippine Internet Freedom Alliance (PIFA), ask you to leave the virtual world for a while, and join BLACK TUESDAY, a SILENT and PEACEFUL PROTEST against CYBER MARTIAL LAW. At 10 am, we assemble at the Padre Faura entrance of Robinsons Manila. At 10:30 am, with our central banner saying STOP CYBER MARTIAL LAW and our mouths covered with black tape (to be provided by PIFA), we march to the Supreme Court. Everyone is encouraged (but not required) to bring black cartolina/corrugated plastic or illustration boards or similar placards/signs that are all black, symbolizing the silencing of free speech. At 11 am, we read our Unity Statement in front of the Supreme Court to let the three branches of our government and the Filipino nation know why this law should be stopped. Join us netizens, and STOP CYBER MARTIAL LAW !!

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