Miyerkules, Oktubre 24, 2012

cybercrime law

STOP CYBER MARTIAL LAW !!! The Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 or Republic Act No. 10175 threatens our basic rights and freedoms. This law works against ordinary netizens -- bloggers, freelance writers, website owners, social network users. etc. -- and disregards, among other things, our right to privacy and freedom of expression. To safeguard these rights and freedoms, we, the members of the Philippine Internet Freedom Alliance (PIFA), ask you to leave the virtual world for a while, and join BLACK TUESDAY, a SILENT and PEACEFUL PROTEST against CYBER MARTIAL LAW. At 10 am, we assemble at the Padre Faura entrance of Robinsons Manila. At 10:30 am, with our central banner saying STOP CYBER MARTIAL LAW and our mouths covered with black tape (to be provided by PIFA), we march to the Supreme Court. Everyone is encouraged (but not required) to bring black cartolina/corrugated plastic or illustration boards or similar placards/signs that are all black, symbolizing the silencing of free speech. At 11 am, we read our Unity Statement in front of the Supreme Court to let the three branches of our government and the Filipino nation know why this law should be stopped. Join us netizens, and STOP CYBER MARTIAL LAW !!

school of days

Biyernes, Oktubre 19, 2012

Blessed Pedro Calungsod

Pedro Calungsod, a 17 year old Filipino Visayan martyred in Guam in 1672, together with the Spanish Jesuit priest now Blesse Diego Luis de San Vitores. Blessed Pedro, a native of Cebu, Philippines and a lay Chatechist, left for Guam in 1668 with Spanish Jesuit missionaries at the tender age of 13 to evangelize the native Chamorros. Pedro was known to do frequent confession and always went to confession and always went to Mass and communion before he went out on his missions with Fr. Diego Luis de San Vitores who had now chosen him as a personal assistant. The necessary permission from the Most Rev. Anthony Sablan Apuron, O.F.M. Cap,Archbishop of Hagatna, Guam to instruct the cause for the beatification process of Pedron Calungsod was granted January 6, 1994. All existing information about Pedro Calungsod is contained within the accounts of the last day and hours of Fr. Diego Luis de San Vitores, his mentor prost, his tandem martyr-the day of their martyrdom, April 2, 162. Pedro Calungsod, teenaged martyr and catechist, was beatified in Rome in March 5, 2000 by Pope Paul II 15 years after Blessed Diego was beatified. Blessed Diego was beatified in October 6, 1985. A PRAYER TO BLESSED PEDRO CALUNGSOD Young, migrant, student, catechist, missionary, faithful friend, martyr, you inspire us by your fidelity, by your courage in teaching the faith in the midst of hostility, and by your love in shedding your blood for the sake of the Gospelmake our troubles your own. (Here mention your request) And intercede for us before the throne of mercyand Grace so that as we experience the help of heaven we may be encourages to live and proclaim the Gospel here on earth. Amen.

Linggo, Oktubre 14, 2012


Friendship Friendship is having the kindness to help Friendship is giving to others without thinking Friendship could be lending a hand to a project Friendship is being there when someone need you Friendship is giving more than you expect to receive Friendship is never counting favors Friendship is listening Friendship is offering your opinion when you think you need to Friendship can be many things Friendship is different for everyone Friendship could be holding a hand for support Friendship is lending your shoulder or wiping a tear Friendship is giving back Friendship is only taking that what you need Friendship can be just a smile that brightens your day Friendship can be that voice of reason you give Friendship could also be a boost of encouragement when it’s needed Friendship is show in many different ways Friendship can be everlasting Friendship is not always an easy thing Friendship should never be taken for granted Friendship is meant to be shared with all Friendship is free and rewarding to share Friendship can be unforgettable Friendship is priceless to many All these things and many more are how I see friendship But to have a true Best Friend is the highest level you can achieve Best friends are up there with family Best friends stay around for the really hard things Best friends feel each other’s moods and feelings Best friends are not a dime a dozen Best friends don’t come around all the time Best friends are a lot like soul mates We all have one but it may take a very long time to find them by:Tim Romines

Huwebes, Oktubre 4, 2012


"GRANDPA" Here comes drought again! For sure grandpa endures his hypertension His becoming clumsy again He collapsed, and rushed to the hospital I am astonished from grandma's call I felt coward, Grandma cried on the phone Anguish I felt his gone This makes me fidget! Remembering times I discriminate him.... How I wish to be an extraordinary To bring back the life of grandpa